Obama’s Concealed Weapon – Gun Control


Gun owners, beware. Hidden in Barack Obama’s MTV-style acceptance speech was a message that should send chills up the spines of everyone who values, not only the right to own a gun, but the very right of self-defense.

Like most of Obama’s carefully crafted statements, it sounds innocuous enough:

“The reality of gun ownership may be different for hunters in rural Ohio than for those plagued by gang-violence in Cleveland, but don’t tell me we can’t uphold the Second Amendment while keeping AK-47s out of the hands of criminals.”

Who could be against keeping guns away from criminals, right? The problem is, after 40 years of gun control experiments, the data show that no law, whether Federal, State, or local has ever done anything to keep thugs from getting guns. In a recent FBI study, the gang members interviewed reportedly “just laughed at the idea.”

More to the point, remember that Obama publicly endorsed Chicago’s total ban on handguns, which leaves innocent citizens helpless, while doing nothing to keep guns “out of the hands of criminals” – Chicago gang members continue to commit 600 murders a year, most of them with handguns.

Obama does however, believe in keeping guns out of YOUR hands. He has openly stated that he wants to eliminate the Right to Carry laws that now protect more than 80% of the nations citizens. Like Rosie O’Donnell, Obama sees nothing wrong in surrounding himself with a team of armed bodyguards to protect HIS life – but you shouldn’t be allowed to carry a gun to protect yours.

But what about those “AK-47s” anyway? Aren’t they “more dangerous” than other guns? Well, ignoring the obvious fact that such military-style rifles are used only in rare instances, the reality is that a gun is a gun. Any 12 guage pump shotgun is far more deadly (in the wrong hands) than ANY so-called “assault weapon,” and after ten years of banning “scary-looking” guns, even the anti-gun types admitted it had “no discernible effect on violent crime.”

Besides, exactly what difference does it make what kind of gun some gang-banger (or homicidal dingbat) uses? Virginia Tech shooter Seung-Hui Cho used an ordinary Glock pistol, and he killed more than 30 people, including himself. What allowed him to do that was not the kind of gun he had – it was that no one on the campus was allowed to have a gun to fight back.

But if he is elected, don’t hope that such harsh realities will stop Obama from knuckling under to the heavily funded anti-gun lobbying groups that are pouring MILLIONS into his campaign. They are looking at your guns and licking their chops.

Oh, and you “hunterbators” (you know who you are, the “I’m just a hunter-they’ll never bother MY guns” types), just keep telling yourself that, while throwing your fellow gun owners under the bus.

But remember that there is still the matter of Supreme Court Justices. Just what kind of justice do you trust Obama to nominate?

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

This commentary courtesy of John Caile and www.havegunwillvote.blogtownhall.com. Caile is the communications director for Concealed Carry Reform, NOW! (CCRN), the gun-rights organization responsible for passing Minnesota’s controversial “shall-issue” handgun-permit law. He is NRA-Certified in Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, Home Firearm Safety, and Personal Protection in the Home, and has more than 40 years of handgun experience. He teaches “real-world” training as advocated by world-renowned self-defense experts such as Rex Applegate, Jeff Cooper, and others at Self Defense Initiatives (www.SDITraining.net) in Eden Prairie, Minn.


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