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28 States File Brief Against ATF’s Forced Reset Trigger Ban
Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen led a coalition of 28 states in filing an amicus brief against the Biden-Harris administration’s attempt to thwart the...
Will the National Constitutional Carry Act Have a Chance in 2025?
One of the legislative pushes we hope succeeds in 2025 is the passage of Representative Thomas Massie's (R-KY) National Constitutional Carry Act (H.R. 9534).
Taurus Expedition 3-EXP308181 308 Winchester
Several major manufacturers are producing new firearms totally outside their normal niches, examples of which include the new Expedition rifle from Taurus and the...
Colt CBX TAC Hunter CBX-SP20PGA-308 308 Winchester
Several major manufacturers are producing new firearms totally outside their normal niches, examples of which include the new Expedition rifle from Taurus and the...
Smith & Wesson M&P9 M2.0 Compact Carry Comp 13989 9MM Luger
The compensated 9mm seems more popular than ever, with Smith & Wesson, Springfield, and SIG offering pistols with compensators on the end of the...
Live Free Armory AMP Compact LFA-LFAMP19C084002 9MM Luger
The compensated 9mm seems more popular than ever, with Smith & Wesson, Springfield, and SIG offering pistols with compensators on the end of the...
Shooting and Tactical Gloves: We Test Seven Sets Hand to Hand
An email from a subscriber suggested we take a look at shooting gloves, particularly gloves that protect your hands from harsh recoil. Shooting gloves...