
Marlin Model 1894 Cowboy Our Pick Of .45 LC Cowboy Rifles

We talked with Judge Roy Bean the other day. The one we spoke with had nothing to do with holding court, hanging strangers at a whim or running a frontier saloon named The Jersey Lily. He and seven others shot an IPSC match with black powder revolvers back in 1979, giving birth to the Single Action Shooting Society, over which Judge Bean now presides.

The S.A.S.S. eventually begat Cowboy Action Shooting, and the rest is history in the making. No other shooting sport is growing as fast. It got a foothold in California, moved into Arizona, then Texas, is presently spreading rapidly through Florida, Pennsylvania, Georgia and doubling the number of active participants nationwide every 12-1...

ATF Rulemaking Dealt Blow In ‘Chevron’ Overturn

In a major ruling on June 28, the Supreme Court has scaled back the power of federal agencies to make up regulations that U.S....