Bachmann scores 100% on Iowa Gun Owners Presidential Survey


( — Iowa Gun Owners, a state-based gun rights lobby, has announced that Minnesota Senator Michele Bachmann has join Texas Representative Ron Paul and Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum in scoring 100% on its presidential survey. Here’s what they said:

Dear Members and Friends of Iowa Gun Owners,

As the deadline draws close on the Presidential Survey deadlines we wanted to inform you about what we know at this point.

Before we do, it’s important that you understand the role of Iowa Gun Owners in this process.

As Iowa’s largest state-based gun rights lobby, our job is to educate you, our members, as well as the voting public, about where the candidates stand on the issue of your gun rights.

We determine a candidate’s stance on the 2nd Amendment using two basic methods: examination of a candidate’s voting history and issuing surveys to each candidate.

As a non-profit we do not endorse candidates.

Instead we give you the information that our staff has put together and we trust that you will use that information to select the candidate you feel best represents your views on the 2nd Amendment.

We have another candidate who has answered our survey 100% in support of gun rights.

Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann has answered our Presidential Survey with 100% pro-gun replies. This means that Congresswoman Bachmann has pledged to:

  • Veto any Small Arm’s Treaty that would come from the United Nations in an attempt to disarm American citizens.
  • Veto any legislation that would seek to re-implement the so called “Assault Weapons Ban” which made illegal dozens of weapons that we own for self-defense and other lawful purposes.
  • Veto legislation that limits the capacity of magazines or weapons that handle those higher capacity magazines.
  • Use her executive powers to lift the import bans that are currently in place.
  • Use her executive power to greatly curtail or even abolish the egregiously anti-gun Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. This is the department that has finally admitted under Congressional testimony that they allowed known criminals to buy guns that they couldn’t legally purchase in a bizarre attempt to clamp down on arms trafficking. These same guns were used later in the murder of a US Border Guard and others.

There are more questions in the survey but you can see that any candidate who answers this tough survey 100% pro-gun is obviously not scared of the anti-gun lobby in Iowa or in Washington.

We applaud Congresswoman Bachmann for taking this bold stand when so many other candidates are unwilling to do so.

At this point, three candidates have completed our survey with 100% pro-gun replies. They are, in alphabetical order, Congresswoman Bachmann, Congressman Paul, and Senator Santorum.

(It needs to be noted, however, that Senator Santorum completed the survey correctly on his second try after Iowa Gun Owners activists challenged him for his poor response on his first survey. In addition, the Senator has a history of anti-gun votes that we detailed in an alert last week.)

The real question is: why hasn’t the rest of the GOP candidate pool answered this survey?

What are they hiding?

Some of these candidates are loudly pro-gun when giving a stump speech. Some recently took time to be photographed while shooting a gun here in Iowa.

I don’t know about you but when a candidate thinks I’m so dense as to assume that they are pro-gun just because they say they are or because they are holding a gun it makes me mad!

If the candidates are pro-gun they should have no problem signing a survey announcing that to the voters here in Iowa and to the rest of the country.

If not – then it’s up to you and me to make sure that their anti-gun policies are exposed.

You now have a chance to make an important difference.

Right now — while the politicians want our support — is the best time to let the candidates know that we will not tolerate any more erosion of our rights.

The stakes are high. There’s not much time to act.

Here’s how you can help.

Take a moment to contact some of the candidates who have failed to return their survey so far. We’ll mention just one today, to give you more time to take action.

Speaker Newt Gingrich still has refused to answer this survey. Thanks to all of your calls this week his Coalitions Coordinator contacted our office wanting another copy of the survey for consideration. We’ve complied with that request but are still being stonewalled.

Please take a moment, again, to contact Newt’s Iowa Campaign Chairwoman, Linda Upmeyer, at 641-425-8806 and ask her why Speaker Gingrich won’t complete this simple survey the way that Congresswoman Bachmann, Congressman Paul, and Senator Santorum have done.

Then call his Coalitions Coordinator, Adam Waldeck, and ask him the same question. You can reach him at 202-535-2668.

Insist that they stop delaying on the Iowa Gun Owners Presidential Candidate Survey and instead come out strongly for the right to keep and bear arms. Demand to know what they are hiding.

Now is the time for gun owners to be heard! It’s obviously working.

The release was signed by Iowa Gun Owners Executive Director Aaron Dorr


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