Going to Charlotte for NRA Show? Here’s Your Local Traffic!


(GunReports.com) — The National Rifle Association will hold its annual convention in Charlotte on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Up to 70,000 attendees are expected.

If you plan to attend the show, local media are reporting that no road closures are planned, but significant congestion is expected in the Uptown area due to shuttle buses and pedestrians walking into the show.

The worst congestion is expected Friday afternoon, when thousands of convention attendees will clog streets during rush hour.

Traffic is expected to be heaviest on: Brevard St. between Stonewall St. (Charlotte Convention Center) and Trade St. (Time Warner Cable Arena). Use Caldwell St. or Davidson St. as alternate routes.

Also, watch these spots:

  • COLLEGE ST. between Stonewall St. and Martin Luther King Blvd. (in front of the Charlotte Convention Center).
  • TRADE ST. between College St. and Caldwell St. (in front of Time Warner Cable Arena).
  • 5TH ST. between College St. and Caldwell St. (near Time Warner Cable Arena).


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