Gun Control: A Relic of Racism


( — Derek Scammon, a representative of the Hawaii Concealed Carry group, wrote a nice piece on the Hawai’i Free Press website. He said:

Racism is a word that is, unfortunately, tossed around all too freely in modern-day America. While it has become a catch-all villain in politics, responsible for all manner of Very Bad Things, there was a time when racism was a cherished institution in these United States. And although our nation has made great strides in confronting and vanquishing the evil of racism, some trappings remain, notably in the form of gun control.

The origin of gun control laws in America had little, if anything, to do with controlling crime; the laws were intended to prevent slaves and freed blacks from defending themselves or rebelling against the state and local governments which persecuted them relentlessly. Throughout the history of our nation, gun control laws have been aimed primarily at blacks, and only in the last few decades has the focus of gun control shifted from targeting minorities to targeting all Americans.

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