Novelist Gets the “Gun Stuff” 100% Correct in ‘The 14th Reinstated’


( — Former Gun Tests and American Gunsmith contributor Bryce M. Towsley has written a new novel called The 14th Reinstated.. The book lays out a frightening and dark scenario of how the world may look in a few years, and readers will pray it is not a prophecy of the future.

It is set a few years after the world suffers social and economic collapse. There has been a total meltdown and horrible social wars that killed millions. The protagonist is just trying to rebuild a life with his family and neighbors when he is sucked into the most evil and vile of plots.

The book opens after the hero shoots an assassin who tried to kill him. When thirty more men show up to finish the job, he knows he is trouble.

As the story develops he discovers a most unimaginable horror that has been perpetrated on the world and realizes that he and his friends are the only people who can stop the bad guys from finishing the job.

The 14th Reinstated is a complex book that is also a primer on survival after social collapse. As the protagonist figures out how to survive the hordes bent on destruction, the lessons he learns serve as illustrations for those who worry that we may be headed for a real collapse.

Towsley is a highly respected writer in hunting and firearms circles, with his byline appearing on hundreds of magazines articles and multiple books. Unlike so many other fiction writers, he gets the “gun stuff” 100% correct.

His descriptions of the habitat and terrain are written with a hunter’s and naturalist’s eye for detail.

The 14th Reinstated is available now at Amazon in hard copy and Kindle versions. It’s also available in most other E-Reader formats. Signed books are available at


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